Friday, July 08, 2005


!! من الأشياء التي يصعب تنبؤها هي حالة الطقس في فلوريدا
ادهشتني هذه الولاية بتقلب جوها المفاجئ و الغريب, يبدأ اليوم الإعتيادي بشمس صباحية حارقة و رطوبة " مقرفة" قاتلة و حرارة تصل حد الغليان
و من حيث لا أحد يدري ترعد السماء رعدا مخيفا و يضيئ برق شديد يوما لم يبدأ بعد, يصاحب تلك المقطوعة الموسيقية المسموعة المنظورة مطرا ثقيلا كثيفا في أغلب الأحيان لا يستمر اكثر من 15 دقيقة
كانت هذه التقلبات تزعجني في البداية و لكنها اصبحت متوقعة اعتيادية لدرجة الإستقرار مقارنة بحالات يستحيل توقعها
:على سبيل الذكرو ليس الحصر
فمن الصعب التنبؤ بالاسم الجديد الذي سينضم الى قائمة "رفيق الحريري, سميرقصير, جورج حاوي
..من الصعب التنبؤ بالحكومات الجديدة القصيرة و الطويلة الأمد
من الصعب التنبؤ بأمزجة بعض الجهات "الأمنية" والتي تحدد حرارة المظاهرات التي لسبب أو لآخر سرعان ما تخمد
من الصعب التنبؤ بالشخصية القادمة المعد التعرض لها أو اختطافها و إصدار قرار بقتلها
من الصعب التنبؤ بموقع الإنفجار التالي على سطح هذه الكرة و عدد الجرحى و القتلى
من الصعب التنبؤ بالقرارات الحاسمة التي تتخذ في قمم تعقد هنا و هناك
.. اصبحت مصائر الشعوب في يد خفية!! يد تجرح و لا تعصب , يد لا تعرف لون غير لون الدماء, يد تقلع و لا تزرع
علماء الرصد الجوي هنا منشغلون بالإعصار الذي يضرب كوبا الآن و التي تبعد ليس بالكثير عن فلوريدا.. ويتنبأون
..و نحن هنا ننتظر ونرقب برجاء صباحا يحمل معه مراحم جديدة


At 12:34 AM, Blogger African Doctor said...

هناك أشياء أخرى كثيرة يستحيل التنبؤ بها و هي في نظري أهم من كل ما ذكرتِ
كحال النفس البشرية أو مواقفها أو قراراتها المصيرية مثلاً

At 9:00 AM, Blogger Majd Batarseh said...

you are soo right.. that was an issue worth mentioning but i have learnt recently to expect the unexpected.. people on the individual level tend to notice & concentrate on other people's actions, decisions and state to the extent that they forget their own, which ,by the way, if deeply and honestly investigated and tested would lead to other conclusions and may be destinies, so the decisions you mentioned were mutually taken even if not plainly stated, we do sometimes convince ourselves that we were left with no other option because that would make us feel better-a different way of escaping I guess- and that was why i tried to widen my view angle and include that section of people whose destiny is "messed with" uncaring hands. What I was concerned about was the instability nations are suffering from.. when navigating the world one can not find a safe place, even those hearts & shoulders which once were the ones to trust and lean on are now no longer there.. prophecies and expectations are now merely a shot of luck in most cases missed.. but we only have that hope and awaiting eyes for mercies which are new each morning…

At 1:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All this talk about predicting made me think. Isn’t life exciting and beautiful because it is unpredictable? Think about the happiness a pregnant woman feels when she hears “you had a healthy boy”, the happiness a lover feels when he hears “I love you too”, and the happiness a student feels when he hears “you passed the test”. If life was predictable it will lose its excitements. Everyday will be the same. Nothing will make us feel anything. Who are we to try to predict anything anyway? We did not make this place nor will we stay here for ever. I believe that things (even bad things) happen for a reason. I am not negative and I believe that a person should plan his/her life and should work very hard to make their plan a reality. However I know that this plan will most probably change and that is Ok. Finally, let me say that nothing makes me sadder than thinking about people who have no freedom to even dream of having a plan for their lives. I hope the Arabs awake from this state of numbness soon. If normal people unite they can have the power to do miracles.
By the way maybe we can learn something from Florida’s weather? How about not taking anything for granted? I think we should always be alert and probe for changes in people and things that surround us.

a Jordanian in Florida

At 8:17 AM, Blogger Majd Batarseh said...

Hello Jordanian in Florida,
I do agree with you that what makes life exciting & not monotonous is its unpredictability but am sure that pregnant woman would love her child to not only be healthy but also to be safe, am sure she would be more happy when she is without fear that her child might return home “ALIVE” .. am sure that lover would be more secure to know that his/ her beloved will be there for him/her.. am also sure that student would be more assured to know that he has a future to cherish.. people now go outside & may not return home just because there is someone out there planned his death.. this may sound soo pessimistic & black but just look around you, it is either instability within the country itself or attacks of terrorism or poverty or natural disasters.. the problem is when human beings start to suspect one another!! I know that was the case ages ago but I feel it is getting worse..
That sense of wonder should never be lost neither that spirit that tells that miracles do happen everyday.. & that we are the miracles.. yes nothing is for granted but there are some basic rights nations are deprived from.. I would more prefer the question stated as “who are we to control people’s destinies?” rather than “who are we to try to predict anything”..
Thank you for passing by & God Bless

At 12:51 AM, Blogger Tololy said...

The weather at Michigan was like that. Insane.

Nice blog Petra, I'll be back. Do visit mine, perhaps you'll find it to your liking :)

At 5:39 AM, Blogger Majd Batarseh said...

ya hala bil garayeb ya meet hala :)

i heard a lot about Michigan.. whenever i have the chance i will plan a visit :) & u r more than welcome anytime.. florida is awesome u know ;)

thanks for passing by & for your comment.. your box seems full of wonders .. u will c me there :)
God Bless

At 5:49 AM, Blogger Majd Batarseh said...

ya hala bil garayeb ya meet hala :)

i heard a lot about Michigan.. whenever i have the chance i will plan a visit :) & u r more than welcome anytime.. florida is awesome u know ;)

thanks for passing by & for your comment.. your box seems full of wonders .. u will c me there :)
God Bless


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